Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Reputation

This page will serve to list all known Console Commands and cheat codes on the PC Version of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Like games such as Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, players on the PC can open. Money and reputation can sometimes be hard to come by in Kingdom Come Deliverance. However, there is a fairly easy way to make some cash and reputation. To do this, you need some kind of weapon, preferrably a stabbing weapon. And you will need a cooking station (most fires will do). Kingdom Come Deliverance PC players have access to a set of console commands that can be used in-game. These shortcut commands negate the need to enter options menus, as well as altering Kingdom Come Deliverance to display certain values according to player preference.

  1. My reputation is constantly 100 in Sasau and I reached to that reputation after my first day there so I would strongly advise you to try tipping them. That being said I don't know if merchants are willing to trade with you with such a low reputation, I've never dipped into the negative so I'm unable to speak from experience, I'm sorry.
  2. Console Commands. Here is the list of the different game commands available in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Many of the console commands have been disabled, like money and items. While playing the game, press Tilde (The key above TAB) to display the console window. Rmotionblur 0 – Turns off motion blur. Usage: rMotionBlur 0/1/2/3.

Crime and Reputation

All your actions have an impact on the way the people around you react to you. You can see the status of your reputation in the Player tab in the Reputation sub-tab. The better your reputation, the more friendly and helpful behaviour you can expect from others; people will talk to you more willingly, be easier to persuade or bribe and will offer you better prices in trades.

Your reputation will be monitored in individual locations and you will see how it stands with the various factions of people you meet in each location by clicking on them. Every NPC belongs to at least one faction (sometimes to several at once) and you can be sure he or she will spread the word in the community about your good or bad behaviour.
Apart from your reputation in various parts of the world, your relations with particular individuals is also important. If you do or say something to please or offend a particular person, they will treat you differently that the others in their faction(s).
Your reputation falls not only when you commit crimes or other unchristian deeds, but also when you intimidate people, refuse requests or lie to them (if you get caught out, of course!). You can restore your good name by helping the person in question or someone close to them, by paying generously or selling cheap in trades. If all else fails, time heals all wounds and people will eventually forget their grievances.

Crime and Punishment

All infringements of the law are punished and the severity of the punishment fits the crime. Theft will land you a fine and confiscation of the loot, while a killing will incur a much more severe penalty. The nature of the penalty is shown by the icon next to the compass at the top of the screen:

If someone sees you committing a crime, but you don’t get caught, you’re still not in the clear. Witnesses will remember you and if you return to the scene of the crime, there’s a strong chance the guards will still be on the lookout for you and will continue to pursue you. This is indicated by the punishment icon reappearing next to the compass on your return.
When the catchpoles catch you, unless they want to kill you outright, they will confiscate all your loot and impose a penalty for all your known infringements of the law. Once you accept your punishment, all your known felonies in the location will be deleted. If you find the punishment too harsh, you can try talking your way out of it. And if that doesn’t work, you can always resist arrest or take to your heels. Although once you take that course of action, the guards will take a harsher approach and try to stop you by force.
Your last option is to accept a jail sentence and serve the time for your crime. The downside to that is that rotting in a dungeon won’t do you much good.
The best way to avoid confrontation with the law is to keep your nose clean. And if you can’t be good, at least be careful – don’t get caught and don’t leave witnesses!

Stolen Goods

Stolen goods you’re carrying are marked in your inventory as such.

If a guard finds them on you, he’ll always confiscate them. That can happen if you’re arrested or even during a routine search at the town gate during troubled times.
Selling stolen goods to a dealer is another matter. There’s not much chance of anyone recognising a stolen apple or cabbage, but if you steal the Rattay Bailiff’s gold chain, it will stand out like a sore thumb not only in Rattay, but also for miles around. Whether your loot is recognised also depends on how close to the scene of the theft you try to sell it and how recently it was stolen. Once enough time goes by, people will forget about the stolen item even at the scene of the crime and may buy it back from you. So, the more valuable and rare a stolen item is, the further away and the later you sell it, the better.
If your loot is really hot, it’s best to go to a known fence. For example, the millers have a reputation for being mixed up in shady deals.

Associated locations

  • Rovna(always 0 reputation)
Uzhitz villagers
  • Mill (always 0 reputation)
  • Pribyslavitz(always 0 reputation) (Note: not true. I cleared it out before main story goes there and stand at 50 reputation)
Pribyslavitz villagers
Sasau Monastery monks
Rattay traders
Rattay citizens
Skalitz refugees - Rattay
Rattay countryside
Rattay soldiers
  • Vranik(always 0 reputation)
Neuhof villagers
Sasau refugees - Rattay
Sasau villagers
Ledetchko villagers
Talmberg villagers
Talmberg soldiers
Talmberg quarrymen
Skalitz villagers
Merhojed villagers
Merhojed soldiers
Samopesh villagers
Retrieved from ''

Empyrion is a fine game as it is. But, there is no doubt that using console commands makes things a lot more interesting. We can use them to make ourselves invincible, teleport anywhere, ban others (If you’re the admin), and more.

All you need is the right keywords and that’s about it. But, before that, we’d highly recommend keeping a backup of the game – just in case that something goes wrong. After all, console commands are known for breaking games in all sorts of ways.

And with that out of the way, let us move on!


How to Enable the Console on Empyrion

There are lots of games that come with the console disabled. After all, it’s usually made only for developers and not for players.

Thankfully, that’s not the case with Empyrion. The console is enabled by default, so, all we have to do is launch the game and press the tilde “~” button.

If that doesn’t work for you, try using “`” instead. The exact button may differ from keyboard to keyboard; depending on the layout and language, but, it’s generally placed under ESC and next to “1”.

Empyrion Console Commands and Cheats

Let’s kick things off with some of the most popular and/or useful commands that are available at the moment.

help [Command]: Displays all subcommand and help for the specified command

di: Displays debug information on the screen. This is very useful for finding out the different IDs of items, objects, creatures, etc

Godmode: Classic god mode (Makes the character invincible while also giving you the ability to fly freely). You can disable or re-enable it by using the “G” button.

Godmode Invisible: Same thing – but it also makes you invisible while allowing access to all structures as if you’re the owner (If the “G” button bugs out, use Godmode Off instead)

Sector [Orbit]: Teleports you to the specified destination’s orbit. For example, Sector Akua Orbit (Do keep in mind that this command is case sensitive)

Teleport: Allows you to teleport by right-clicking on the map (Can be a bit buggy at times. Also, the teleport applies not only to the player but to the ship as well)

Teleport [Coordinates]: Same thing but requires the location’s coordinates instead (Useful for when the target location is a bit too far)

Map: Displays everything on the map. To disable it, use Mad Hide

Setposition [ID] [Coordinates]: Moves the specified item, structure, player, or anything that you specify on the [ID] section. Do keep in mind that coordinates need to be inserted with no spaces and require commas. For example: setposition 1048 -2249,111,915

Ents: Lists all entity IDs on the current playfield. Other than that, names and faction are included as well

sbp: Toggles blueprint spawning on or off

faction list: Lists all factions along with their IDs, number of players, and the tick

Itemmenu: Makes it so that the H key brings up the item menu

Server Commands

Kingdom Come Deliverance Unlock Command

Various commands that can be used in multiplayer. Do keep in mind that most of them require you to be an administrator.

Faction [Faction Command] [Player ID]: Allows you to assign players on a faction, remove them, and more. As far as the [Faction Command] is concerned, these are all the subcommands that you’ll need:

  • create
  • join
  • delete
  • allow
  • deny
  • remove
  • entity

Ban [Player ID/Steam ID] [Duration]: Bans the specified player for a set duration in hours, days, or months

  • h: Hours
  • d: Days
  • m: Months

unban [Player/Steam ID]: Unbans the specified player

Destroy [Object ID]: Destroys the specified object. Do keep in mind that if base pieces have the same IDs then they’ll both be destroyed – which can lead to the destruction of an entire base

Find [Object]: Finds the specified structure in the Playfield and prints its ID

kick all [Optional reason]: Kicks everyone from the game. Leaving a reason/message behind is optional

kick [Player/Steam ID] [Optional reason]: Kicks the specified player from the game

op [Structure ID]: Enables or disables offline protection for the specified structure

setposition [Structure ID] [Coordinates]: Sets the position of the specified structure – basically an easy way to teleport it

setrole [Player/Steam ID] [Role]: Sets the role of the specified player. The available roles that you can use are:

  • gm: Gamemaster
  • mod: Moderator
  • admin: Administrator

time [Value]: Sets the time in seconds. 10 is night while 10000 is day

time: Displays the current time

MISC Commands

Just various commands of miscellaneous nature.

weather [Weather]: Allows you to set the current weather. The [Weather] commands that you can use are:





















Their names are pretty self-explanatory – which is why we don’t think that it’s necessary to add a description for each one of them.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Reputation Guide

undock [SV or HV]: Undocks the specified SV or HV. Can be useful in case the game glitches out

uresource: Manage underground ressources

Kingdom Come Deliverance Money Cheat

repair [Item ID]: Repairs the specified item

oxygen: Shows oxygenated areas in POI

level: Adds or sets an amount of XP or Upgrade Points. The subcommands that can be used with this command are:

  • x+ [Value]: Adds XP
  • x= [Value]: Sets the XP to the specified value
  • u+ [Value]: Adds Upgrade Points
  • u= [Value]: Sets Upgrade Points to the specified value

give [Item ID]: Gives you more or less anything that has an ID

detach: Detaches you which can be helpful when you are stuck under the cockpit

Kingdom Come Deliverance Item Id List

Wrapping Up

That’s all we have for now. If you feel like we forgot to mention an important or useful command, let us know about it in the comments.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Reputation Bot

That being said, do keep in mind that Empyrion is still in early access. There is a good chance that more stuff will be added in the future – not to mention that some commands may end up being erased.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Cheat Codes

Again, don’t forget to keep a backup of the game as commands can easily break it in a number of interesting ways.