Hikvision Web Plugin Mac Not Working

With the new release of ESR 52 for Firefox, they have dropped support for NPAPI plugins. There is a way to work around this issue to fix your Live View plugin on Firefox. Please follow these steps below:

This is the web plugin for Mac OS. After installation, you will be able to live view most of Hikvision DVR/IPC/Encoder on Safari for Mac. 1 Version: V3.0.6.23 build20180123. Right click and Create a new Boolean option and name it plugin.loadflashonly. Step 3: Set the plugin.loadflashonly option to false. Step 4: Restart Firefox. After restarting Firefox, go back to your Live View and the plug in should work normally.

Step 1:

Open a new tab in Firefox and enter the following text in the address bar:


Confirm that you will be careful if a warning message appears for you.

Step 2:

Right click and Create a new Boolean option and name it plugin.load_flash_only.

Step 3:

Set the plugin.load_flash_only option to false.

Step 4:

Restart Firefox. After restarting Firefox, go back to your Live View and the plug in should work normally.

For the first time you access the IP camera or DVR/NVR, the Internet Explorer (IE8, 9, 10) need to be installed with ActiveX plugin. The ActiveX plugin can allow browser receive the video streaming from these IP devices. If the installation of ActiveX bar doesn't pop-up, then you need to change three ActiveX controls in your Internet Setting of IE.

Run the IE browser, go to 'Tools', then select 'Internet Options' to change your ActiveX controls.

Hikvision Web Plugin Mac Not Working Windows 10

Choose the 'Security' tab in 'Internet Options' menu, then you can change the security setting of IE.

Choose the 'Custom level...' in 'Security' tab

Now you can see the custom level shows ActiveX controls and plugins.

**For IE 9 or IE10 users only: For the first option, Allow ActiveX filtering, select Disable.

**For all users: Scroll down the ActiveX controls and plug-ins, and change below 3 values to 'Prompt':

  • Download signed ActiveX controls (Should be ticked)
  • Download unsigned ActiveX controls (Should be ticked)
  • Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe for scripting (Should be ticked)

When done, click 'OK' and exit the Security Settings menu.

ActiveX in Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11

For both Internet Explorer (IE10) and IE11, you need to enable the compatible view. Run your IE browser, go to 'Tools', then select 'Compatibility View settings', it will pop-up a dialogue window.

Then, add your camera’s IP address (or domain) to the list of websites to be opened in Compatibility View.


Hikvision Browser Plugin Not Working

General problems for IP camera

I don't know the LAN IP address for security camera:
Read the camera's manual, you can find the default IP address for IP camera. The other method is running IP camera search software to find the available IP cameras in your LAN network.

Hikvision Web Plugin

I can access the IP camera, but it's a blank page:
ActiveX plugins has not been installed in your browser, you need to install it before access the IP camera.

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